Robby suprised me by taking me to this beautiful bridge a few weeks ago. Whites bridge is the oldest covered bridge still in use in Michigan. It spans the Flat river in Montcalm county. It was built between 1870 and 1871 and aside from occasional repairs it is in the same condition as when it was built.

The bridge was absolutely lovely with the greenest trees and the clearest water rushing by. I really wanted to go across it, but the bridge is temporarily closed. Sadly someone crashed into the side. You can see the hole in the side behind me. Perhaps I will get the chance to return and actually make it across!

I also love floral prints and I simply cannot get enough. Robby even commented on how I have so many dresses with flowers on them! I guess I should try and break my addiction. . . Gosh I am so far behind in pictures! I keep adding outfit posts with tights and sweaters! Believe me, it is too hot for that now in Michigan. But I have recently started my first rotation at St. Mary's and I have precious little time for fun getaways and photo shoots.
Hopefully I will have some time to do more recent posts soon.
photos by Robby
dress: f21
sweater: ny & co
boots: apt 9