Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Keweenaw Waterway, near Houghton, MI
Captured: Canon EOS50

Sunday, March 23, 2014

7.4.13.Part II

Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Mendota (Bete Grise), MI*
Captured: Canon EOS50

*Sadly this is the only peak I got of this light, it is a private residence, and I always feel like I am being a bit of a creep if I try to get too close. Haha!


Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Copper Harbor, MI
Captured: Canon EOS50

Saturday, March 22, 2014

7.3.13.Part IV

Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Eagle Harbor, MI
Captured: Canon EOS50

Thursday, March 20, 2014

7.3.13.Part III

Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Eagle River, MI
Captured: Canon EOS50

7.3.13.Part II

Who: Conrad, Rob, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Sand Hills, Ahmeek, MI*
Captured: Canon EOS50

*Oh how much do I wish there wasn't construction of some sort going on here! Just imagine these photos without the orange fence!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Who: Rob, Conrad, Ashley, & I
What: Vacation, lighthouse exploration
Where: Keweenaw Upper Enterance, Houghton, MI
Captured: Canon EOS50